CSAIS Profile
The Center for South Asia & International Studies (CSAIS) Islamabad is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) registered with SECP. It is meant to facilitate all the stakeholders/decision makers/policy makers in the fields of public policy with a holistic mission to bring essential improvements through critical analyses, researches, publications and interactive sessions.
We mainly focus on emerging regional socio-economic, geo-political and geo-strategic affairs. We promote spirits of regional cooperation through integrated socio-economic-politico mechanism.
We objectively and subjectively study on regional peace, harmony and stability through regional commonalities of respective National Security Strategies in terms of anti-terrorism, extremism, human & drug trafficking, energy & food insecurity and last but not least, study and solutions about rapidly changing power politics structures in the region and beyond.
We disseminate true aspects, dimensions and motives of international affairs in the best interests of our national vested interests. We form regional corridor of knowledge to facilitate social justice, political and educational cooperation.
Being a reputed Think Tank we have diversified but integrated expertise to further strengthen development of Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), CPEC, SCO, Eurasian connectivity and Regional cooperation platform.
We have rich scholarship/academic strength and professional expertise to help the government, national & regional and international organizations and communities for achieving an inclusive, sustainable and holistic socio-economic integration and balanced development.
We also aim to produce quality and objective genuine articles, research papers and articulated reports that help to make better policies for a better world to live in.
Persuasions of peaceful conflict resolutions mechanism through the promotion of diplomacy, dialogue and development through reliable communication studies, writings, publications and research reports. Promotion of genuine analytical information system and formation of integrated Think Tank productivity.
Our research has an ideal combination of objectivity, subjectivity, authenticity, and productivity and promotion of spirits of positivity and participation through close liaison, transfer of knowledge, befitting propositions and safeguarding interest of the policy makers, private sector and common people alike.
Finding amicable solutions and mutually befitting propositions for sustainable objective policies for national, regional, and global socio-economic integration and greater regional connectivity. Close liaison with regional and international institutions & organizations enabling us to brighten the prospects of qualitative and genuine research and critical analysis.
Anti-Climate Change, Biodiversity, Green Development, Carbon footnote management etc.
- Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan
- South Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Turkey and Russia
- China: CPEC, BRI, Foreign policy, bilateral relations etc.
- South East Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka
- ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippine etc.
- Middle East: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman & MENA
- International Affairs: USA, EU etc.
- Series of Interactive webinars
- Series of Seminar, Round Table Strategic Dialogue
- Publication of articles, reports, news items, interviews etc.
- Exchange of media, publication, research, scholars etc.
- Promotion of cultural, people-to-people and commercial diplomacy
- Series of informative, interactive and inclusive internships about different countries & bilateral relations etc.
- Publication of special editions & supplements
- Numerous national think tanks
- ANKSAM, The Turkish Institute of Foreign Policy, Turkey, ADA University Baku, ISRS Uzbekistan, etc.
- China
- Chamber of Commerce (Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore etc.)